Wild Island Adventures are seeking an enthusiastic and passionate bushwalker, outdoor gear guru, driver extraordinaire to join our team!
From humble beginnings as a small gear hire company, Wild Island has blossomed into a thriving 'One Stop Shop' for all things bushwalking. We now offer an extensive range of gear hire, transport around Tasmania's bushwalking hot spots and specialise in equipping visitors for a wonderful self-guided hiking adventure.
It's time to bring in someone to help us continue to grow in an exciting and dynamic industry.
Your role will primarily be as one of our drivers - engaging with clients, sharing interesting information, giving them your tips and tricks for their hike en route and setting them up with the bushwalking gear they need. You will then be able to re-live their adventure with them as you pick them up to take them home after their hike.
With scope to grow and become involved in other aspects of the business you will enjoy a flexible work schedule, a fun and friendly work environment and the opportunity to take yourself for a hike around the many beautiful places you'll visit on a day’s work.
This is a permanent part time position with a starting point of 15 hours a week with the intent for this to grow. Pay rate starting at $25 an hour subject to weekend penalty rates + 10.5% super contributions, sick leave and annual leave.
What you need:
Apply first aid + CPR training
A love for Tassie's natural beauty
An understanding of bushwalking gear and equipment
Experience and skill driving in varying conditions such as snow and 4WD tracks
If you think you’d make a good match for our team we’d love to hear from you! Email through your CV and resume to Holly and Oscar at wildislandhire@gmail.com.